Friday, July 25, 2008

Diane Anderson. The woman behind Kennett and Mary Drost

Diane Anderson is little known in Boroondara but in the United States she's a cult figure. Diane is the first person ever expelled for heresy by the Unitarian Church, and that's big news in America, where the Unitarian Church (now called the Unitarian Universalist Church or UU Church) is pretty big time, and has produced four Presidents. The expulsion took place in Melbourne, Australia at the Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church in Grey Street, East Melbourne. It was reported in Andrew Landeryou's blog first (funny how Andrew always gets the big scoops) and then found its way to the ABC News and Lawrence Money's gossip column in The Age.

Diane comes from Dearborn in Michigan, and produces Higgins News, a publication that also circulates in parts of Boroondara. In the latest issue is an article by Mary Drost gloating at how she won the big prize in the Boroondara VEC representation review. Mary omits to mention a little help from Jeff Kennett. She also omits to mention a little help from Diane.

Diane likes to keep her real campaigns low key, but the arguments she used unsuccessfully in Stonnington were used by BRAG in Boroondara as well as by Jeff Kennett. Former Legislative Assembly Speaker Ken Coghill copied them also but he doesn't write as well as Diane does. Coghill is a member of the ALP and when he was in parliament represented Werribee. His factional enemies in the right wing Labor Unity faction used to say that's where the metropolitan sewerage farm is but we won't stoop as low as that. Stephen Conroy never does and we like to think we are as gentlemanly as he is.We don't attack people in this blog like some disreputable ALP figures do around the traps.

Coghill is presently exposing corruption in local government but he's really part of the problem. He supported Mary here and so did some of his friends in the Labor Party. No Mr Coghill. The corrupt councils are all ones with single councillor wards and you supported that in Boroondara. How can we take you seriously? The Age might but who reads that newspaper? As Andrew Landeryou says it's full of left wing hype.

We must get back to Diane who is the real thing not her imposters like Coghill and Company. Diane is a good operator. She is also a sworn enemy of Premier John Brumby, which is certainly good for relations with Jeff.

Rumour has it Diane might be helping Jeff soon in another capacity, as his campaign director for Lord Mayor of Melbourne. Remember we told you this first in this blog.


Anonymous said...

That's garbage. The intellectual quality of this blog leaves a lot to be desired. How could Diane possibly support Jeff Kennett? In my opinion he wouldn't have a bar of her.

Anonymous said...

The only person Diane supports is Lyle Alan. Last I heard he was considering stalking charges against her.

Jeff Kennett would do well to keep away from her. She sounds like a bunny boiler.

Anonymous said...

The four Unitarian US Presidents are John Adams, John Quincey Adams, Millard Fillmore and William Howard Taft.

Another famous Unitarian is Neville Chamberlain, but he's a non-person among Unitarians because of his 1938 appeasement of Adolf Hitler.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the UU Church there is a news item today about a shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church. Not very nice. Our sympathies to the UU community of Tennessee Valley.

Monday, July 28, 2008;

Gunman Kills 2, Injures 7 In Tennessee Church

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- A gunman opened fire at a church youth performance Sunday, killing two people, including a man witnesses called a hero for shielding others from a shotgun blast.

Seven adults were injured, five seriously, but no children were harmed at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church.

The gunman was tackled by church members and eventually taken into police custody. He was charged later with first-degree murder; his motive was not yet known.

Jim D. Adkisson, 58, was being held on a $1 million bond.

Anonymous said...

Diane Anderson has never, to the best of our knowledge, visited that Church. Now she's been expelled for heresy she may not be able to visit any UU Church again.

Anonymous said...

What does Diane feel about Meredith Butler?

96 per cent of people responding to the Herald Sun poll today oppose the Boroondara Council paying for Meredith to travel between Canberra and Boroondara to attend Council meetings.

The problems of absentee councillors were pointed out to the VEC at the public meeting at the Hawthorn Town Hall by the supporters of proportional representation. The VEC took no notice.

It's funny how all this has come to light now the review process is over.

We no have eight more years of single member wards and all the problems they bring.

Change the position by legislation Mr Wynne.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou on his OC blog regularly refers to Ms Anderson.

Andrew thinks she's a good mate for Evan Thornley, not for Jeff Kennett. Both are Boroondara residents. Also Diane's address on the electoral roll, which may not be her real address, is also in Boroondara.